Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Committed to accepting NO corporate donations for my campaign and NO lobbyist money in Springfield
End gerrymandering and redraw districts through an independent agency to ensure all voters get a fair say in how the state and country are run
Enact legislative leadership term limits
Ranked-choice voting for all elections to eliminate two-party rule
Expand early voting
Ban those who held public office from lobbying or circumventing this ban via “consulting” and shadow lobbying
Independently audit lobbyist disclosure records
Economic Development & Job Protection
Revitalize infrastructure, including rapid transit and flood and tornado resistant water and sewer systems, and create thousands of jobs for Illinoisans
COVID relief for workers and small businesses
Support fair wages
Encourage firms to remain in-state through tax benefits
Partner with businesses, schools, unions, and community organizations to prepare students for high-paying jobs in trades like welding, plumbing, and electrical work
Protect the right to join a union and to collectively bargain, including card check
Massively expand broadband to rural counties
Expanded grants and incentives for small businesses in underdeveloped areas
Renewable Energy & Agriculture
Ensure farmers are compensated when they take steps towards green agriculture and sustainable farming practices
Support the goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025, but ensure the next clean energy legislation is not a giveaway to big utility companies like ComEd
Protect workers and set up transitional education that gives workers in the coal and gas industries the option to move into other jobs involved in constructing and maintaining our renewable energy infrastructure
Expand the growth and production of hemp for industrial uses, and end costly regulations that hurt hemp farmers
Incentivize firms to enact green energy measures, starting with the state government itself
Lower prescription drug prices
Expand health insurance to those who lost their jobs from COVID-19
Require private insurance to cover in-home care for seniors and those with disabilities to reduce Medicaid costs
Mitchell’s opponent voted no on funding for opioid rehabilitation. As a Lutheran, Mitchell believes this is morally wrong, and everyone who is struggling deserves care. He will fight to fund rehabilitation, mental health care, addiction treatment and counseling, because these programs save lives
Invest in local health clinics, health departments, and preventative health measures
Protect families from the outrageous cost of COVID-19 care and treatment
Expand COVID-19 testing to ensure at least 1 testing facility per county
Veterans’ Rights
Hire more veterans as state workers
Partner with businesses, unions, and colleges to assist veterans transitioning back to normal life through career paths and support networks
Expand mental health wraparound services for everyone in Illinois, and give hiring preference to veterans in the mental health field
Prioritize government contracts awarded to veteran-owned businesses and firms
Expand the MIA/POW scholarship to include graduate school, trade school, and two-year degrees
Disability Rights
Increase the number of people with disabilities employed in state government
Incentivize private industries that provide integrated employment
Prepare students with disabilities for successful transitions to college and careers by improving access to career, technical, vocational, and adult education programs
Hold businesses that pay sub-minimum wage to workers with disabilities accountable
Work to decrease the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver backlog by expanding access to community-based services and in-home long-term care
Budget & Taxes
Cut legislator pay by 10% and invest that money into health care programs and job creation
Freeze agency spending growth and eliminate pay raises for elected officials until FY2024
Refuse to raise taxes on middle and working class people
Establish independent budget watchdogs
Support the Fair Tax amendment
Enable automatic tax filing for all Illinois residents
Publish a citizen budget containing non-technical budget information, free to the public
Delink property taxes and school funding
Restore and reinvigorate vocational and technical education in high schools and community colleges
Improve university partnerships to increase the number of social workers, nurses, and special education teachers in underserved schools
Partner with unions and trades associations to expand the skilled labor pool and ensure all students have accessible pathways to high-paying jobs
Work toward making vocational school, state universities, and community colleges tuition-free
Civil Liberties
Prevent federal law enforcement agecies such as the NSA, CIA, and DHS from spying on any Illinois resident without a warrant.
Ensure the protection of gun ownership for responsible firearm owners, while focusing on making sure they do not fall into the hands of criminals or those who are a danger to themselves or others.
Enforce stricter regulations of tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat to keep them from harvesting data and personal information for profit or political gain.
Oppose laws that encourage the development and use of red light cameras at intersections and on highways
LGBTQ+ Illinoisans and people of color have the right to protection, dignity, privacy, respect, and equality like everyone else.